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The rise of private GCSE & A level candidates

📅 April 28, 2023

⏱️2 min read

We know that there is a rise of absenteeism in schools. These are in a number of factors which are spelt out below.

Which is why the importance of the private candidates exam pathway become even more important. Schools and exam centres need to provide exam services for private candidates who have not otherwise been in full time education.

COVID-19 pandemic: The pandemic has significantly disrupted the education system worldwide, including the UK. During the pandemic, schools were closed, and remote learning was implemented, which might have led to inconsistent attendance. Even after reopening schools, some parents might still be concerned about the risk of infection and keep their children at home.

Mental health: The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have taken a toll on the mental health of many people, including children. Anxiety, stress, and depression may contribute to increased absences from school.

Bullying and social issues: Bullying and other social issues can make attending school difficult for some children. If they don't feel safe or supported, they may choose to stay home.

Economic factors: Financial difficulties faced by families might lead to children missing school, either because they need to work to help support the family or due to other related challenges.

Family circumstances: Changes in family circumstances, such as illness, bereavement, or divorce, can impact a child's attendance at school.

why is there a rise of__ private GCSE and a level candidates__

Flexibility: Private candidates have more flexibility in terms of scheduling, curriculum, and the pace of learning. This can be particularly helpful for students who struggle in traditional classroom environments, have unique learning needs, or require more individualised attention.

Discontent with the education system: Some families might be dissatisfied with the quality of education provided in public schools or feel that their child's needs are not being met. Turning to private exams allows them to take control of their child's education and ensure that they receive a more tailored approach.

Homeschooling: The rise in homeschooling has contributed to an increase in private exam candidates. Homeschooling provides an alternative education path that allows families to have more control over their children's learning environment and curriculum.

Exam retakes: Some students may choose to take exams as private candidates to improve their grades after receiving disappointing results in their initial exams.

Globalisation and online learning: The increasing interconnectedness of the world and the growth of online education platforms have made it easier for students to access resources and study materials from anywhere, encouraging more private candidates to pursue these exams.

COVID-19 pandemic: The pandemic disrupted traditional schooling and forced many students to adapt to remote learning. This may have prompted some families to explore alternative education options, such as private exams, as they found the remote learning environment more conducive to their child's needs.

These are just a few possible reasons for the rise in private GCSE and A-Level candidates. It is important to note that each student's situation is unique, and there could be other factors influencing this trend.

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