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The advantages of being a private exam candidate

📅 May 11, 2021

⏱️1 min read

There is often a mis conception of the value of being a private candidate. Here are just 5 reasons as why GCSE and A level candidates should consider the private candidate route.

  1. You can find the most suitable place to tak the exams. Often they are not always the place you learn. While learning can be done on line.
  2. So much cheaper to signing up to a college for a whole year. When now the cost of learning through web platforms is negiable.
  3. Choose who your teachers and tutors are and take the exam when you are ready not when the school thinks you are .
  4. choose which exam boards you would like to learn and sit. Rather what the school or college chooses.
  5. Exam halls come in all shapes and sizes. By being a private candidate you get to choose what sort of enviroment you sit the exams.
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