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Our partners

📅 July 02, 2021

⏱️1 min read

Our partners: We look to build relationships across the outside of school provision. Whether exams or alternative provision.

It is in this spirit that we are thrilled to partner with the AP Acedemy.

The AP Academy Provides flexible live interactive teaching. Bringing focussed quality teaching to vulnerable learners through online alternative provision.

Learners who cannot or will not attend mainstream school due to a range of conditions Including medical and other health issues.

AP academy Alternative provision online logo

How AP Academy Online Provision Works

Flexibility and quality of alternative provision are key to schools and local authorities when they consider providers. Both online and in our centres.

The AP Academy. provides the quality Online focus for school, local authorities and stake holders. Regularly delivering EHC Plans through online provision across the need range.

Reaching and reporting learning goals and attainment throughout the student enrolment.

The Flexibility of AP Academy brings value for money for all state holders.

The student can be at home, ay school, a PRU, AP setting or other learning centres. Including the BYT Centres

Alternative provision online

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