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How private candidates are treated in the US

📅 May 15, 2021

⏱️1 min read

While the US academic system is somewhat different to the UK's. They do have entrance exams for universities. Which a lot use the independent exam system called SAT and ACT.

These exams are run by College Board. An independent organisation that run exam centres around the US and abroad. They are school independent and run their own exam times.

A great deal of the top US universities ask for SAT exam results. While there is a big business of SAT prep through the US. The exams are mulitiple choice and computer marked.

There are huge critism of the system that seemingly benefits the wealthy. Who can afford the outside of school coaching to improve their chances in their SAT scores. While all candiadates are considered private exam candidates.

This is understandable however, it is no different from good private schools preparing pupils.

What this does mean that the the candidate can take control of where and when they sit the exams for unviersity entrance. Over 2.19 million high school graduates in the class of 2020 took the SAT or ACT.

The challenge if the SAT and ACT is that it takes away the prepping from school courses. Some of these course courses can be part of their unversity entrance.

According The Atlantic:

"Researchers found that many students who have relatively low GPAs compared with their SAT scores take more rigorous courses in high school. The reverse is true for students who have high GPAs, but low test scores. This is why selective colleges often suggest that teenagers focus more on taking the toughest courses they can in high school, and less on prepping for the SAT."

We imagine a world where the majority of unversities in the UK decide to either run their own exams or ask candidates to sit independent providers outside of school. Inspite of the challenges that this brings we feel it will allow for greater choice and quality in the learning provider.s

ts SAT private candidates