autumn exams 2021
There has quite a bit of uncertainity in how the autumn exams of 2021 will pan out.
There will be strong pressure to continue to have the full array of GCSE and A level exams in the autumn of 2021.
While this will further illistrate the inflexibility of GCSE and A level exams in the country. If we had GCSE and A level exams able to sit exams at the time of their choosing. The opportunity to vastly inrease the learning time at school will be there. As schools and colleges can focus on teahing and not on running exams.
Just some of the benefits of having a range of chances to sit GCSE and A level exams throughout the year including giving pupils more opportunities to reduce the cliff edge that GCSE and A levels are.
While most of all it moves the power dial over to the GCSe and A level exam candidate.
Allowing them a range of dates through the year they can sit their exams puts secondary school exams more in line with professional exams.
Here is a q and A event run by the exam house.